Advancing Online Reputation with Patented Innovations

Businesses across the globe, recognizing the crucial role of trust in Online Reputation Management (ORM), are diligently prioritizing the protection and enhancement of their online image.
Businesses across the globe, recognizing the crucial role of trust in Online Reputation Management (ORM), are diligently prioritizing the protection and enhancement of their online image.
   25 min read market potential

Businesses across the globe, recognizing the crucial role of trust in Online Reputation Management (ORM), are diligently prioritizing the protection and enhancement of their online image. The ORM industry has seen substantial growth, increasing from US$199.14 million in 2021 to a projected US$746.7 million by 2031, with a CAGR of 14.13%. The forecast period from 2024 to 2031 highlights ORM’s sustained momentum, emphasizing its strategic significance in the digital era. Recognizing the profound impact of online reputation on consumer trust, businesses are compelled to adopt effective reputation management solutions.

Significant Advances in Online Reputation Management

The Online Reputation Management (ORM) industry has seen several notable developments in recent years. These developments have shaped the way businesses manage their online presence and protect their reputation.

Use of AI for ORM

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly enhanced ORM practices. AI-powered tools can monitor customer feedback across various social media platforms and review forums, helping businesses to stay on top of their online reputation. For instance, Starbucks was alerted early by their media monitoring tool about a fake tweet circulating on social media, which could have led to serious reputation damage if not addressed promptly.

Enhancing Customer Experiences

ORM strategies have started to focus more on enhancing customer experiences. By leveraging customer feedback, businesses can identify areas of their operations that need improvement. This approach not only helps in improving customer relationships but also positively impacts the digital reputation, word of mouth, and overall brand loyalty.

Customer Acquisition Strategies

The importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in ORM has been recognized. Building a strategy to request and gain more reviews can help increase a brand’s SEO rank and drive more people to the business. This is because 6 of the top 10 factors for a brand’s position in local search are related to online reviews.

Online Reviews and SEO

Online reviews play a crucial role in shaping an organization’s reputation. A review management strategy generally involves engaging real customers who have interacted with the brand and encouraging or incentivizing them to post reviews. In fact, a study found that a one-star increase in a business’s Yelp rating can lead to a 5-9% increase in revenue .

Automated Monitoring

A significant part of any reputation strategy involves tracking mentions of the brand online. Tools are used to monitor mentions on search listings, review websites, and social media platforms. This helps to identify potential problems before they overwhelm the brand.

Social Media Impact on Purchasing Decisions

Social media has a significant impact on purchasing decisions. 76% of American consumers purchased a product after seeing a brand’s social post.

Market Segmentation

The ORM services market can be segmented into Review Management, Identity Monitoring, Search Engine Suppression, and Internet Removal. In terms of services, Review Management is the largest segment. Based on application, the market can be divided into small and medium-sized enterprises and Large Enterprises. In terms of application, Large Enterprises are the largest segment.

Evolution of Online Reputation Management Technology (2014 to 2023)

For industry stakeholders, a thorough understanding of technological evolution and innovation trends is essential. This section provides a detailed analysis of patent trends in the online reputation management industry from 2014 to 2023, offering insights into its significant developmental trajectory.

The following statistics chart the course of patenting trends in the industry, providing a quantitative foundation for our exploration.

Patenting Trends

Innovation Density

Despite a slight dip in the number of applications filed in recent years (which might be due to certain applications filed recently but not yet published), the industry maintains a robust innovation density, with 108 new patents filed and about 144 granted in 2023, suggesting a continuous focus on technological advancement.

Grant Publication Patterns

The publication of granted patents has followed a consistent trajectory, indicating a timely and efficient approval process.

Opportunities for Collaboration

The patent trends suggest an industry ripe for collaboration. Companies with a robust patent or product portfolio in related topics can explore opportunities for licensing or strategic partnerships with patent owners who can drive significant business growth through expansion of the patent assets.

Investment Appeal

The consistent publication of patents showcases a solid foundation for potential investors. The industry’s commitment to innovation is a compelling factor for those seeking stable and forward-looking investments.

Strategic Implementation of Online Reputation Management

The surge in patent activities within the Online Reputation Management (ORM) sector signals a pivotal moment for businesses to strategically implement innovative solutions into their operational frameworks. Successful strategic implementation is essential for leveraging these technological advancements and aligning them with overarching business objectives.

Strategic implementation involves integrating cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning for real-time threat detection and response. Businesses can position themselves at the forefront by exploring partnerships or in-house development.

A data-driven approach is important, utilizing robust analytics tools to track sentiment, identify trends, and measure the impact of ORM efforts. Stakeholder engagement is equally vital. Clear communication protocols, both internally and externally, ensure transparency during crises, building and maintaining trust with customers and partners.

Continuous training fosters adaptability. ORM teams need to stay abreast of technological advancements, emerging trends, and crisis management skills. Legal and ethical compliance is important to ORM maturity, with frameworks ensuring adherence to data protection and privacy laws.

Acknowledging that no ORM strategy is foolproof, adaptive response plans are crucial. These plans outline steps for various scenarios, ensuring a nimble and effective approach to reputation management.

A critical juncture has been reached where innovation trends are reshaping online reputation management across diverse domains. Over the past decade (2014-2023), a comprehensive analysis reveals distinct focus areas within ORM, each marked by a significant number of patents aimed at addressing specific business challenges.

Marketing: Understanding and Leveraging Marketing Strategies for Business Growth (635 Patents)

As businesses increasingly rely on digital platforms, the emphasis on understanding and leveraging marketing strategies has led to a surge in patents. These innovations go beyond conventional approaches, offering advanced tools and methodologies for businesses to navigate the complex challenges of online marketing, ensuring sustained growth and positive brand perception.

Efficient Business Management: Streamlining Resources, Workflows, and Project Management for Success (358 Patents)

Streamlining resources, workflows, and project management has become paramount for sustained success. The patents in this category focus on enhancing overall business efficiency, from resource allocation to project execution. This trend underscores a fundamental shift towards integrated solutions that empower businesses to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Seamless Transactions: Simplifying Buying, Selling, and Leasing Processes (343 Patents)

Simplifying transaction processes is a critical aspect of ORM. The surge in patents in this domain reflects an interest in enhancing user experiences in buying, selling, and leasing activities. From secure payment gateways to frictionless transactional interfaces, these innovations promise a seamless journey for both businesses and their clientele.

Office Automation for Productivity: Enhancing Work Efficiency with Computer-Aided Office Automation (338 Patents)

The technology of office automation has witnessed a transformative decade. Patents in this category signal a move towards sophisticated solutions that go beyond basic office tools. They address the intricate needs of modern businesses, fostering heightened productivity through advanced automation processes.

Smart Information Management: Effective Information Retrieval and Database Structures (312 Patents)

Patents in smart information management underscore a commitment to effective retrieval and structured database systems. These innovations cater to the growing need for precise, data-driven decision-making in the dynamic online landscape.

Communication Protocols for Connectivity: Navigating Data Transmission Protocols for Seamless Communication (233 Patents)

These patents focus on communication protocols. The emphasis here is on ensuring seamless data transmission, fostering efficient communication channels that are vital for effective ORM strategies.

Tailored Solutions for Specific Sectors: Systems and Methods Customized for Specific Industries (190 Patents)

ORM innovations are becoming increasingly industry-specific, addressing unique challenges faced by businesses in diverse domains.

Holistic Commerce Solutions in General: Comprehensive Approaches to Commerce, from Marketing to E-commerce (184 Patents)

Patents in this category signify a holistic approach to commerce, transcending individual aspects. They showcase a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of various elements in the business ecosystem, from marketing strategies to e-commerce platforms.

The importance of optimizing data transmission is reflected in patents focused on efficient transmission control procedures. These innovations ensure that data link levels are not just secure but also highly efficient, a critical aspect of robust ORM frameworks.

Specialized Business Services: Tailored Services Catered to Specific Business Needs (146 Patents)

Recognizing the diverse needs of businesses, patents in specialized business services highlight a trend towards custom-tailored solutions. These services cater to specific business requirements, offering targeted ORM strategies that align with individual organizational goals.

IPC ClassesIPC definitionsTopic scope# Patents
G06Q30/02Marketing, e.g., market research and analysis, surveying, promotions, advertising, buyer profiling, customer management or rewards; Price estimation or determinationMarketing: Understanding and Leveraging Marketing Strategies for Business Growth635
G06Q10/06Resources, workflows, human or project management, e.g. organising, planning, scheduling or allocating time, human or machine resources ; Enterprise planning ; Organisational modelsEfficient Business Management: Streamlining Resources, Workflows, and Project Management for Success358
G06Q30/06Buying, selling or leasing transactionsSeamless Transactions: Simplifying Buying, Selling, and Leasing Processes343
G06Q10/10Office automation, e.g. computer aided management of electronic mail or groupwareOffice Automation for Productivity: Enhancing Work Efficiency with Computer-Aided Office Automation338
G06F17/30 Information retrieval ; Database structures thereforSmart Information Management: Effective Information Retrieval and Database Structures312
H04L29/06characterised by a protocolCommunication Protocols for Connectivity: Navigating Data Transmission Protocols for Seamless Communication233
G06Q50/00Systems or methods specially adapted for a specific business sector, e.g. health care, utilities, tourism or legal servicesTailored Solutions for Specific Sectors: Systems and Methods Customized for Specific Industries190
G06Q30/00Commerce, e.g. marketing, shopping, billing, auctions or e-commerceHolistic Commerce Solutions in general: Comprehensive Approaches to Commerce, from Marketing to E-commerce184
H04L29/08Transmission control procedure, e.g., data link level control procedureOptimizing Data Transmission: Efficient Transmission Control Procedures for Data Link Level181
G06Q50/10ServicesSpecialized Business Services: Tailored Services Catered to Specific Business Needs146

Overcoming Top Challenges in Today’s Online Reputation Management

Overcoming Top Challenges in Today’s Online Reputation Management

Social Media Risks

Social media platforms are powerful tools for brand promotion, but they also pose significant risks. Negative comments, fake reviews, and misinformation can spread rapidly, impacting a company’s image. There is a need of a technology that employs advanced algorithms to monitor and analyze social media content, enabling businesses to identify and address potential reputation threats in real-time.

Brand Identity Protection

Establishing a consistent brand identity is crucial, but unauthorized use of logos, trademarks, or brand names can dilute this identity. Innovative technologies that include features to proactively monitor and safeguard brand assets, providing companies with the tools to detect and mitigate instances of brand identity misuse across various online channels is much needed.

Review Management

Customer reviews play a significant role in shaping consumer perceptions, and the task of handling a multitude of reviews, whether positive or negative, can be daunting. Technologies that can simplify the review management process by categorizing feedback and providing actionable insights are necessary. This not only helps businesses address concerns promptly but also contributes to improving their overall customer satisfaction. It’s worth noting that 88% Of Consumers Trust Online Reviews as much as personal recommendations, emphasizing the crucial role that online reviews play in influencing consumer trust and decision-making.

Search Engine Ranking

Search engine results heavily influence online reputation. Negative content appearing prominently in search results can significantly impact a company’s image. Technologies that incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) techniques specifically tailored for online reputation management can help companies to push positive content higher in search rankings and mitigate the impact of unfavorable information.

Crisis Response and Reputation Recovery

Unforeseen events can trigger reputation crises. New technological advancements can include a crisis response module that enables businesses to detect and respond to reputation threats swiftly. Additionally, it should facilitate reputation recovery by guiding companies in rebuilding trust through strategic communication and brand rehabilitation efforts.

Whitespaces and Opportunities in Online Reputation Management

Whitespaces and Opportunities in Online Reputation Management

Several whitespace areas and untapped opportunities present themselves, offering avenues for innovation and growth. A careful analysis of the provided information reveals key focus areas that may benefit from further exploration and development:

Integrated Marketing and Reputation Management (IMRM)

With 635 patents in marketing, integrating ORM seamlessly into overall marketing strategies represents a whitespace. Developing tools and methodologies that not only promote a brand but also actively manage and respond to online reputation could provide a holistic solution for businesses aiming for sustained growth.

Efficient Resource Utilization for Reputation Building

Leveraging the 358 patents related to efficient business management, there is an opportunity to create solutions that streamline resources specifically for building and maintaining a positive online reputation. This could involve optimizing workforce allocation, project management, and resource distribution for reputation-centric initiatives.

Enhanced Transactional Security for Reputation Protection

In the context of 343 patents around seamless transactions, there is potential to develop systems that not only simplify business transactions but also embed reputation protection mechanisms within these processes. Secure and trustworthy transactions contribute significantly to a positive online reputation.

AI-Driven Reputation Automation

With the presence of 338 patents on office automation, there is a whitespace for AI-driven tools that automate reputation management processes. These tools could monitor online sentiments, identify potential reputation threats, and initiate appropriate responses without manual intervention, enhancing overall work efficiency.

Data-Driven Reputation Analytics

There is an opportunity to develop advanced analytics tools that derive actionable insights from online data. This could enable businesses to proactively manage their online reputation based on data-driven strategies.

Secure Communication Protocols for Reputation Assurance

In the context of communication protocols, developing secure communication channels specifically designed for reputation-sensitive information exchange could address the need for businesses to navigate data transmission with a focus on maintaining a positive online image.

Industry-Specific Reputation Solutions

Tailoring ORM solutions to specific industries, as indicated by the 190 patents on tailored solutions for specific sectors, is an opportunity. Customized reputation management strategies that account for the unique challenges and dynamics of each industry can provide businesses with more effective protection.

Holistic Reputation Commerce Platforms

There is potential for platforms that offer end-to-end solutions — from marketing to e-commerce — with a central focus on reputation management. This could provide businesses with comprehensive tools for managing their online image throughout the entire customer journey.

Optimized Data Transmission for Reputation Control

With 181 patents optimizing data transmission, there is an opportunity to develop procedures specifically designed for reputation control at the data link level. Ensuring the secure and efficient transmission of reputation-related data is crucial for maintaining a positive online standing.

Specialized Business Reputation Services

Creating tailored reputation management services that cater to specific B2B needs could fill a gap in the market. These services could range from proactive reputation building to crisis management.

Leap in Online Reputation Management: Our Patented Innovation

Our patented innovation marks a significant advancement in Online Reputation Management (ORM). Our computer-implemented method and system redefine how aggregate rating indicators are generated, ensuring a more accurate and reliable representation of a rated entity’s reputation. By searching diverse repositories housing discrete rating indicators, our technology retrieves data from web-based platforms, personalized social networking sections, and local storage components. Crucially, our innovation addresses the pervasive issue of fraudulent rating indicators.

Through a sophisticated filtering process, we discern and exclude fraudulent indicators by analyzing parameters such as geo-location coordinate similarity, demographics, rating frequency, sentiments, duration between ratings, duplication of indicators, and the utilization of multiple rating sources. This meticulous filtering culminates in the aggregation of genuine indicators, yielding an aggregate rating indicator that truly reflects the entity’s online standing. The final output is displayed to users, offering a comprehensive and visually accessible representation of an entity’s online reputation.

The patented methodology is not just an incremental improvement; it is a transformative leap in ORM, offering businesses an unprecedented level of accuracy and reliability in managing their online reputations.

We invite potential licensees and buyers to engage in a dialogue that explores the immense value and competitive edge that our patented innovation brings to the evolving landscape of online reputation management.

Excerpt from the original patent

“A computer-implemented method for publishing an aggregate rating indicator based on a plurality of discrete rating indicators associated with a rated entity, the method comprising:

searching a plurality of repositories containing the plurality of discrete rating indicators associated with the rated entity;

retrieving a first rating indicator published on a web-based repository;

retrieving a second rating indicator published on a personalized social networking platform section;

retrieving a third rating indicator stored with a local storage component associated with the rated entity or a rating entity, wherein at least one of the first rating indicator, the second rating indicator, and the third rating indicator comprises a first fraudulent rating indicator;

filtering the first fraudulent rating indicator from among the first rating indicator, the second rating indicator, and the third rating indicator, wherein the first fraudulent rating indicator is determined based on computer executable input components including a geo-location coordinate similarity between a rating entity and the rated entity, a demographic identification, a frequency of the rating indicator of the rated entity by the rating entity, a sentiment writing style, a duration between the rating indicator and a subsequent rating indicator by the same rating entity for the same rated entity, a duplication of rating indicators provided by the rating entity for the rated entity, and a use of multiple different rating sources for rating the rated entity by the rating entity;

aggregating a filtered combination of the first rating indicator, the second rating indicator, and the third rating indicator to provide an aggregate rating indicator comprising an equivalent of the plurality of discrete rating indicators other than the first fraudulent rating indicator;

generating an electric signal comprising data signifying the aggregate rating indicator and the rated entity;

converting the electric signal into a plurality of pixels;

and displaying the plurality of pixels on a display unit of a communication device.”

Read the original patent here.

Read layman patent summary here.

Optimizing Industry Position with Our Patent Portfolio: Addressing Challenges and Seizing Opportunities

Our patent presents a computer-implemented method and system for publishing an aggregate rating indicator based on discrete rating indicators associated with a rated entity. This innovation aims to enhance the accuracy and reliability of aggregated ratings by intelligently filtering out fraudulent indicators. While the patent addresses a critical aspect of online reputation, there are several whitespace areas and untapped opportunities within the broader domain of online reputation and commerce solutions.

Leveraging Marketing Strategies for ORM Integration

In response to the whitespace identified in integrated marketing and reputation management (IMRM), our patented system aligns with the need for comprehensive ORM solutions. By seamlessly integrating reputation management into marketing strategies, businesses can not only promote their brand but also actively respond to and shape their online image. This innovation bridges the gap between marketing efforts and the imperative to maintain a positive reputation in the digital landscape.

Streamlining Resources for Reputation Building

Building on the efficient business management patents, our system optimizes resource allocation specifically for online reputation. This addresses the whitespace of efficient resource utilization for reputation building. By streamlining workflows, project management, and resource distribution, businesses can focus on building and maintaining a positive online presence, enhancing their reputation strategically and resource-effectively.

Embedding Reputation Protection in Transactions

Recognizing the whitespace in enhanced transactional security for reputation protection, our patent goes beyond simplifying transactions. It embeds reputation protection mechanisms within transactional processes. Secure and trustworthy transactions contribute significantly to a positive online reputation, addressing the critical need for businesses to protect their image during every transaction.

AI-Driven Reputation Automation

In response to the whitespace for AI-driven reputation automation, our patented system employs advanced algorithms to automate reputation management processes. By monitoring online sentiments and identifying potential threats, businesses can proactively manage their reputation without manual intervention. This aligns with the evolving landscape of office automation, enhancing overall work efficiency in the context of maintaining a positive online image.

Data-Driven Reputation Analytics

Capitalizing on the need for data-driven reputation management, our system leverages smart information management patents to derive actionable insights from online data. By providing businesses with advanced analytics tools, they can proactively manage their online reputation based on factual and real-time data, contributing to a more strategic ORM approach.

Secure Communication Protocols for Reputation Assurance

Our system establishes channels specifically designed for reputation-sensitive information exchange. This addresses the necessity for businesses to navigate data transmission with a focus on maintaining a positive online image, aligning with the communication protocols patents.

Tailored ORM Solutions for Specific Industries

Recognizing the opportunity in tailored solutions for specific sectors, our patented system allows businesses to customize their reputation management strategies. By accounting for the unique challenges and dynamics of each industry, businesses can enhance the effectiveness of their ORM initiatives, aligning with the demand for industry-specific reputation solutions.

Our system offers a comprehensive platform integrating reputation management from marketing to e-commerce. This addresses the whitespace in providing end-to-end solutions for managing online image throughout the entire customer journey. Businesses can benefit from a unified approach to reputation management, ensuring consistency across various touchpoints.

Our system introduces procedures designed specifically for managing reputation at the data link level. Ensuring the secure and efficient transmission of reputation-related data is crucial for maintaining a positive online standing, aligning with the optimization of data transmission patents.

Specialized Business Reputation Services

Building on the opportunity in specialized business services, our patented system introduces tailored reputation management services for B2B needs. These services range from proactive reputation building to crisis management, filling a gap in the market for businesses seeking specialized and effective reputation management solutions.

Our patented technology offers innovative solutions to tackle the most pressing challenges faced by businesses in online reputation management.

Social media platforms are double-edged swords, offering brand promotion opportunities while simultaneously exposing businesses to negative comments, fake reviews, and misinformation. Our patented technology utilizes advanced algorithms to monitor and analyze social media content in real-time. This enables businesses to swiftly identify and address potential threats to their reputation, ensuring a proactive stance against adverse online narratives.

Establishing a consistent brand identity is important, but unauthorized use of logos, trademarks, or brand names can dilute this identity. Our patent encompasses features that proactively monitor and safeguard brand assets. This provides companies with the tools to detect and mitigate instances of brand identity misuse across various online channels, ensuring the integrity of their brand remains intact.

The influence of customer reviews on consumer perception is undeniable, yet managing a large volume of reviews, both positive and negative, can be overwhelming. Our patented technology streamlines the review management process, categorizing feedback and offering actionable insights. This empowers businesses to address concerns promptly, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain a positive online reputation.

Search engine results significantly impact online reputation. Negative content appearing prominently in search results can tarnish a company’s image. Our patent incorporates search engine optimization (SEO) techniques tailored for online reputation management. This helps companies push positive content higher in search rankings, mitigating the impact of unfavorable information.

Unforeseen events can trigger reputation crises, necessitating swift response and strategic recovery efforts. Our technology includes a crisis response module, enabling businesses to detect and respond to reputation threats swiftly. Additionally, it guides companies in reputation recovery through strategic communication and brand rehabilitation efforts.

Our patent introduces a computer-implemented method for publishing an aggregate rating indicator based on discrete rating indicators associated with a rated entity. By leveraging a sophisticated filtering process, the technology identifies and eliminates fraudulent rating indicators, providing businesses with an accurate aggregate rating indicator.

In a landscape where reputation is invaluable, our patent emerges as a strategic asset, empowering businesses to navigate the intricacies of online reputation management with precision and foresight. For inquiries regarding licensing or acquisition, please contact us to explore how this patented technology can elevate your online reputation management strategies.

Mapping a Decade of ORM Innovation: Strategic Insights from Patent Landscapes

The strategic initiatives and patent portfolios of key players have emerged as crucial indicators of industry growth and technological innovation. A thorough analysis of patent data spanning the years 2013 to 2023 reveals a dynamic landscape, providing valuable insights for businesses engaged in ORM services.

This innovation timeline reveals the strategic focus of leading companies in developing intellectual property (IP) related to ORM, shedding light on the trajectory of technological advancements in this crucial sector. Among the notable contributors are Microsoft Corp, IBM Corp, Alphabet Inc, Nielsen Holding NV, State Grid Corp of China, Adobe System Inc, Meta Platforms Inc, Accenture PLC, Bizmodeline Co, and eBay Inc.

Microsoft Corp: Pioneering ORM Innovation

Microsoft Corp has been a trailblazer in ORM technology, consistently contributing to the sector’s growth from 2013 to 2023. Microsoft’s investments showcase the company’s commitment to ORM development.

IBM Corp: Sustained Innovation for a Digital Age

IBM Corp’s consistent patent filings over the years underscore its dedication to shaping the ORM landscape. The sustained growth from 2013 to 2023 reflects a strategic approach to innovation, positioning IBM as a key player in the ORM domain.

Alphabet Inc: Maintaining a Strategic Precision

Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google, has strategically navigated the ORM landscape, with intermittent patent filings showcasing a focused approach. The company’s emphasis on ORM-related IP highlights its commitment to maintaining a positive online presence.

Nielsen Holding NV: ORM Metrics for Success

Nielsen Holding NV’s ORM patent activity has demonstrated a focus on metrics and analytics, contributing valuable tools for businesses to manage and enhance their online reputation. The recent uptick in filings further solidifies the company’s commitment to advancing ORM solutions.

State Grid Corp of China

As a prominent player in the energy sector, State Grid Corp of China’s foray into ORM patenting signifies the global importance of online reputation. The recent patent activity indicates a growing recognition of ORM’s role in corporate strategy.

Adobe System Inc: Creative Solutions for ORM Challenges

Adobe System Inc’s contributions to ORM patenting reflect a creative approach to addressing online reputation challenges. The company’s diverse portfolio underscores the need for innovative solutions in this dynamic field.

Meta Platforms Inc: Shaping ORM in the social media Era

Formerly Facebook, Meta Platforms Inc has been instrumental in shaping ORM within the social media landscape. The company’s early patent filings align with the evolving nature of online reputation in the era of social connectivity.

Accenture PLC

Accenture PLC, known for its consulting expertise, has strategically entered the ORM patent space. The recent surge in patent filings indicates a commitment to building ORM technologies.

Bizmodeline Co.

Bizmodeline Co’s recent surge in ORM patent filings reflects a commitment to shaping future business models. The company’s focus on ORM underscores the integral role reputation management plays in their evolving IP holdings.

eBay Inc

eBay Inc considers strategic filings in ORM space, particularly within the commerce domain.

The strategic actions of industry leaders underscore the critical role of groundbreaking patents in propelling innovation within the technology space of online reputation management. In a landscape that is in constant flux, the value of cutting-edge patents, such as those developed by Intellectual Frontiers, becomes increasingly apparent.

As the online reputation management sector evolves, it is evident that innovative patents play a foundational role in shaping the trajectory of technology advancements. This evolution serves as a thoughtful call to action, shedding light on the indispensable nature of revolutionary patents in steering the course of online reputation management technologies.

For potential licensees and buyers, the key takeaway is straightforward: strategic investment in innovation today is the pathway to securing a competitive advantage in the future. In a business environment where maintaining and enhancing digital credibility is paramount, aligning with forward-thinking patents becomes a strategic imperative.

Applications of the Patented ORM Technology Across Industries

Applications of the Patented ORM Technology Across Industries

Our patented Online Reputation Management (ORM) technology emerges as a versatile solution with cross-industry applicability. This groundbreaking technology, as outlined in the patent claims and specifications, opens doors to diverse opportunities and overall business success across multiple sectors.

Hospitality and Tourism: Elevating Customer Trust

In the hospitality and tourism industry, customer reviews heavily influence decision-making. Our patented ORM technology offers establishments the ability to efficiently manage and enhance their online reputation. By filtering out fraudulent indicators, businesses can showcase authentic and positive reviews, building trust among potential customers and driving bookings.

Healthcare: Strengthening Patient Confidence

Healthcare providers face the challenge of online reviews affecting patient confidence. Our technology allows healthcare institutions to monitor and manage their online reputation meticulously. Filtering out fraudulent indicators ensures that patients receive accurate and reliable information, fostering trust in healthcare services.

E-commerce: Boosting Consumer Confidence

In the highly competitive e-commerce landscape, customer trust is extremely important. Our ORM technology provides e-commerce platforms with a powerful tool to manage reviews effectively. By highlighting genuine feedback and suppressing fraudulent indicators, businesses can bolster their reputation, attracting more customers and increasing conversion rates.

Financial Services

Financial institutions often face challenges related to online reputation, affecting customer trust. Our technology enables banks and financial service providers to proactively manage their online image. By filtering out fraudulent indicators, these institutions can showcase their credibility and commitment to customer satisfaction, attracting more clients. Within this context, ORM within financial services becomes crucial, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping and maintaining a positive online presence, further solidifying customer confidence and loyalty.


Educational institutions rely heavily on their reputation to attract students and faculty. Our ORM technology aids in managing and improving online reviews. By identifying and addressing fraudulent indicators, schools and universities can maintain a positive online image, positively impacting enrollment and institutional standing.

Retail: Fostering Customer Loyalty

Retailers thrive on customer loyalty, and our ORM technology can play a pivotal role. By efficiently managing reviews and filtering out fraudulent indicators, retailers can highlight positive customer experiences. This builds trust, fosters loyalty, and attracts a broader customer base in the competitive retail landscape.

Technology and Software

Companies in the technology and software sector must establish and maintain a strong online presence. Our patent offers a strategic advantage by managing and optimizing online reviews. By filtering out fraudulent indicators, tech companies can showcase genuine customer satisfaction, enhancing their industry authority.

Read the original patent here.

Read layman patent summary here.

Should you be interested in licensing or purchasing this patent portfolio to strengthen your position in this evolving technological landscape, or if you have any inquiries or require additional material, please contact us at
