Service Delivery Automation - Growth Opportunities with Innovative Patent Portfolio

Service delivery market is poised for unprecedented growth with an astronomical surge signifying not just a trend but a transformative shift in how enterprises operate and deliver services.
Service delivery market is poised for unprecedented growth with an astronomical surge signifying not just a trend but a transformative shift in how enterprises operate and deliver services.
   32 min read market potential

Service delivery market is poised for unprecedented growth with an astronomical surge signifying not just a trend but a transformative shift in how enterprises operate and deliver services. In the following sections of this report, we look into the multifaceted aspects of this evolution, from the instrumental role of automation to the challenges and opportunities it presents, all while emphasizing the remarkable growth in innovation within this dynamic sector.

Service delivery automation is an important aspect of this evolution, wherein market is rapidly expanding due to increased adoption of digital workforces, with vendors enhancing offerings like automation lifecycle management. Growth is driven by smart process automation, big data utilization, IoT, seamless integration, and rising adoption of automation tools, creating job opportunities, innovation challenges and innovation opportunities.

Challenges include the need for skilled professionals, requiring reskilling of the aging workforce. COVID-19 pandemic has unexpectedly accelerated market growth, emphasizing the pivotal role of automation in healthcare, online retail, and various other sectors, with AI and ML playing crucial roles in diverse frameworks.

The Service Delivery Automation Market is projected to register a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 28.2% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2028. This growth is driven by the increasing acceptance of automation by large and medium-sized businesses, especially in the North American region. In healthcare, the major factors which are expected to drive the growth of the service delivery automation market during the forecast period of 2023-2030 are an upsurge in the incidence of neurological illnesses including stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, neuro-infections, and traumatic injuries, and increasing prevalence of road accidents and fall injuries.

Service Delivery Patents: Drivers of Innovation

The innovation pulse in Service Delivery is evident in the surge of patents related to automation. As of 2023, in the last ten years, the industry holds about 18,000 patents, showcasing a dedicated commitment to advancing technological boundaries.

In this dynamic landscape, the emergence of patents related to service delivery automation presents a unique opportunity for businesses. These patents, available for sale or licensing, provide access to cutting-edge technologies, allowing companies to enhance efficiency and elevate customer satisfaction.

Seizing the Future: A Strategic Imperative

Navigating the future of Service Delivery requires a keen understanding of both market potential and technological innovation. Businesses are encouraged not only to monitor these trends but also actively participate in shaping the industry’s trajectory. Whether through strategic partnerships, acquisitions, or licensing of pioneering patents, the present moment offers an opportune time to position oneself at the forefront of the evolving Service Delivery landscape.

Notable Developments in Service Automation Industry

The Service Delivery Automation (SDA) industry in America has seen notable developments in recent years. The advancements are primarily driven by the growth of technology and the need for businesses to increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer service.

Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has become a key trend in the SDA market. AI-powered automation systems can analyze vast amounts of data, learn from patterns and trends, and make intelligent decisions, thus further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery processes.

Cloud-based SDA solutions

There’s a growing demand for cloud-based SDA solutions. Cloud-based automation platforms offer scalability, flexibility, and accessibility, allowing organizations to easily deploy and manage automation services. These solutions also provide cost-effectiveness and eliminate the need for heavy upfront investments in infrastructure.

Advanced Automation Technologies

The SDA market is witnessing the emergence of advanced automation technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and cognitive automation. RPA enables organizations to automate repetitive manual tasks, while cognitive automation combines AI and machine learning to automate complex decision-making processes.

Major Collaborations

Companies in the SDA market are collaborating to offer comprehensive automation packages. For instance, in October 2022, Blue Prism announced a collaboration with SS&C to deliver an intelligent automation package that combines RPA, business process management (BPM), AI, and no-code services.

Platform Upgrades

In January 2023, UiPath announced significant upgrades to their platform, allowing customers to modernize their software testing practices by migrating testing to the UiPath Business Automation Platform. This development demonstrates UiPath’s commitment to providing innovative and efficient solutions to its clients. This is merely an example, and many such trends can be noted in th4e industry highlighting the interest toward tech and platform upgrades.

Increased Adoption across Industries

The adoption of service delivery automation has increased in various industries like BFSI, healthcare, transportation railway & aerospace, and electrical sectors. Banks and payment providers are looking into shifting customer preferences, wavering consumer loyalty, and increased pressure to reduce costs while improving the customer experience and growing their business.

In an era where efficiency and customer satisfaction are paramount, service delivery automation stands at the forefront of business innovation. This rapidly evolving field is shaping the future of how services are provided across various industries. From AI-driven customer support to automated logistics, the trends and innovations in this domain are not just reshaping existing processes but are also paving the way for entirely new business models. Here are some of the most significant developments in this space.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing service delivery automation by enabling smarter, more responsive systems. From predictive analytics that anticipate customer needs to AI-driven chatbots providing round-the-clock customer service, these technologies are enhancing the speed and quality of service delivery. In sectors like banking and healthcare, AI is being used to personalize customer experiences and make operations more efficient, showcasing the versatility of these technologies.

Robotics Process Automation (RPA)

RPA is transforming mundane and repetitive tasks across various industries. By automating routine processes, businesses are achieving unprecedented levels of efficiency and accuracy. RPA is particularly impactful in areas like data entry, invoice processing, and customer onboarding, where it reduces human error and frees up valuable resources for more strategic tasks.

Cloud-Based Automation Solutions

The shift towards cloud computing has been a game-changer for service delivery automation. Cloud-based platforms offer scalable, flexible solutions that can be customized to meet the unique needs of different businesses. These platforms facilitate remote service delivery, which is crucial in today’s increasingly digital and globalized business environment.

Internet of Things (IoT) Integration

IoT technology is enabling a more connected and automated service delivery experience. By integrating IoT devices, businesses can monitor and manage services in real-time, leading to more proactive and predictive service models. This is particularly evident in industries like logistics and manufacturing, where IoT devices are used to track shipments and monitor equipment health.

Advanced Analytics and Big Data

The use of big data and advanced analytics in service delivery automation cannot be overstated. These technologies provide deep insights into customer behavior, process efficiency, and service quality, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions. By leveraging these insights, companies can optimize their service delivery processes and enhance customer satisfaction.

Blockchain for Enhanced Security and Transparency

Blockchain technology is emerging as a key player in service delivery automation, especially in terms of enhancing security and transparency. In sectors like finance and supply chain management, blockchain is being used to automate and secure transactions, as well as improve traceability and accountability.

The landscape of service delivery automation is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing market demands. These innovations are not just creating more efficient ways of delivering services but are also opening up new opportunities for businesses to innovate and grow.

As far as recent innovation and patent landscape of service delivery automation is concerned, 2021 marked a significant year of innovation and technological advancement. As we look into the nuances of this field, a meticulous analysis of patent trends provides invaluable insights for businesses seeking to stay at the forefront of this dynamic sector. Here are the most prominent trends and developments, highlighting opportunities for growth and advancement.

Patents Published in 2021 Chart

Optimizing Data Transmission: The Leading Edge of Innovation (More than 1400 Patents Published in 2021)

2021 witnessed a surge in patents focusing on methods and systems for controlling and optimizing data transmission over networks. This trend underscores the increasing demand for efficient data handling capabilities in an era of exponential data growth. Businesses looking to enhance their network efficiencies would do well to explore these innovations.

Workflow and Resource Management: Streamlining Enterprises (More than 1000 Patents Published in 2021)

Innovations aimed at improving workflow, managing human and machine resources, and refining enterprise planning were also prevalent, with 1000+ patents published in only 2021. These advancements are pivotal for organizations aspiring to optimize their operational structures and enhance productivity.

Data Exchange Protocols: The Backbone of Interconnectivity (More than 950 Patents Published in 2021)

The development and enhancement of protocols governing data exchange across networks have been a focal point, evident from about 977 patents in this area published in 2021. This trend highlights the growing importance of seamless and secure data interactions in today’s interconnected digital landscape.

Office Automation Technologies: Redefining Workplace Efficiency (More than 950 Patents Published in 2021)

Technologies automating office tasks, such as email management and collaborative software tools, are increasingly in demand, as evidenced by 975 patents. This area offers significant potential for businesses seeking to enhance workplace productivity and streamline administrative processes.

Network Infrastructure Maintenance: Ensuring Robust Connectivity (More than 800 Patents Published in 2021)

The focus on systems and methods for maintaining and administering network infrastructures, with 808 patents published in 2021 relating to service delivery automation, indicates a vital need for robust and reliable network systems in the digital age.

E-commerce Process Automation: Revolutionizing Online Transactions (More than 800 Patents Published in 2021)

With 806 patents, the automation and improvement of processes in online buying, selling, or leasing highlight the escalating significance of e-commerce and the need for efficient transaction systems focused on service delivery automation.

Market Research and Customer Engagement: A New Paradigm (About 800 Patents Published in 2021)

Innovations in market research, advertising strategies, customer profiling, and rewards systems, indicated by 787 patents, demonstrate the shifting landscape of customer engagement and the need for tailored marketing approaches for service delivery automation industry.

Software Testing Techniques: Ensuring Quality and Performance (More than 500 Patents Published in 2021)

Techniques for testing software to enhance reliability and performance, covered by 557 patents, are crucial for businesses aiming to deliver high-quality digital solutions.

Computing Resource Allocation: Maximizing Efficiency (More than 500 Patents Published in 2021)

Methods for efficiently allocating computing resources, such as processing time and memory management, are increasingly vital, as shown by 516 patents, highlighting the need for optimized resource utilization in computing environments in service delivery automation.

Machine Learning Innovations: Across the Spectrum (More than 450 Patents Published in 2021)

Finally, innovations in machine learning technologies, covered by 466 patents, reveal the broad applicability and transformative potential of AI across various fields.

The service delivery automation landscape is rich with opportunities, as evidenced by the diverse range of patents published in 2021. These innovations not only signify recent technological advancement but also present practical solutions for businesses striving to enhance efficiency, improve customer engagement, and maintain competitive edge.

Niche application areas of service delivery automation technologies chart

Identifying Whitespaces and Innovation Opportunities in Service Delivery Automation: A Strategic Outlook

The landscape of service delivery automation, as illuminated by the 2021 patent trends, offers a fertile ground for innovation and growth. This analysis aims to identify the key whitespaces and untapped opportunities in this domain, providing strategic insights for businesses seeking to carve a niche or expand their presence in this competitive market through developing or licensing or purchasing patent portfolio.


Integrated Data Transmission and Management Solutions

While numerous patents focus on optimizing data transmission and resource management independently, there appears to be a whitespace in solutions that seamlessly integrate these two critical functions. An opportunity lies in developing systems that not only optimize data flow but also intelligently manage resources in real-time, offering a holistic solution to enterprises.

Cross-Functional Workflow Automation Platforms

The trend in workflow and resource management indicates a demand for specialized tools. However, there’s a gap in solutions offering cross-functional automation that can bridge various departments - from finance to human resources or insurance to care delivery - under a unified platform. Such integrative solutions can significantly enhance interdepartmental coordination and efficiency.

Advanced Secure Data Exchange Protocols

With the rise in data exchange protocol patents, the opportunity now lies in advancing these protocols to offer higher security levels, especially in the context of increasing cyber threats. Innovations in encryption and secure data handling within these protocols can provide businesses with a competitive edge in data security.

AI-Driven Office Task Automation

While office automation is growing, the integration of AI and machine learning in automating complex office tasks remains relatively underexplored. Developing AI-driven tools that can learn and adapt to various office workflows presents a significant opportunity for innovation.

Predictive Maintenance in Network Infrastructure

The focus on network infrastructure maintenance suggests a demand for proactive solutions. Implementing predictive maintenance using AI can pre-emptively address network issues before they escalate, ensuring uninterrupted business operations.

Personalized E-commerce Experience Automation

In e-commerce process automation, a notable opportunity lies in personalizing the online shopping experience using AI and data analytics. This involves automating product recommendations, user interfaces, and customer support to cater to individual customer preferences.

Integrated Customer Engagement Platforms

The domain of market research and customer engagement, patient engagement in healthcare can benefit from integrated platforms that combine market research, advertising, customer profiling, and rewards management. Such a unified system can provide deeper insights and more coherent strategies in customer engagement.

AI-Augmented Software Testing

While software testing is evolving, incorporating AI to create more intelligent, self-learning testing protocols can dramatically improve efficiency and accuracy, presenting a valuable opportunity for innovation in this field.

Resource Allocation Optimization using AI

The management of computing resources can be revolutionized by AI-driven allocation systems. These systems can dynamically adjust resource allocation based on real-time demands, maximizing efficiency and reducing operational costs.

Interdisciplinary Applications of Machine Learning

Exploring interdisciplinary applications of machine learning, blockchain etc, particularly in sectors like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing, can open new avenues for service delivery automation, extending beyond traditional tech domains.

The service delivery automation landscape is ripe with opportunities for businesses willing to innovate and integrate emerging technologies. By addressing these identified whitespaces through patent portfolio aggregation and innovation focus, companies can not only enhance their operational efficiency but also provide value-added services to their clients, thereby gaining a competitive advantage in this rapidly evolving market.

Leveraging Service Delivery Automation Whitespaces and Opportunities with Our Patent Portfolio

Our patented system, which automates the recording of evidence of service delivery, uniquely positions itself to address several whitespaces and untapped opportunities in the service delivery automation landscape. Through its sophisticated integration of mobile communication, web-based interaction, and blockchain technology, it can offer innovative solutions to the challenges identified in the current market trends. This analysis explores how the patent can leverage these opportunities for business growth.

Integrating Data Management with Automated Service Evidence Recording

Our system bridges a critical gap in the integration of data transmission and resource management. By automating the recording of service delivery evidence through secured hash links and SMS, it streamlines data management related to service transactions. This functionality can be extended to various service settings, providing businesses with a comprehensive solution that not only optimizes data flow but also ensures the accuracy and authenticity of service records.

Enhancing Workflow Across Multiple Service Domains

The adaptability of our system to different service settings makes it a potent tool for automating workflows across various domains. Its ability to provide secure, real-time evidence of service delivery can revolutionize how enterprises manage their service delivery workflows, particularly in sectors where proof of service is crucial, such as logistics, healthcare, and professional services.

Secure Data Exchange and Verification

In the space of secure data exchange, our system’s use of blockchain technology and secured hash links provides a novel solution. The blockchain device in our system ensures that the recorded evidence of service delivery is immutable and verifiable, addressing the need for secure and reliable data exchange protocols in service automation.

AI and Machine Learning Integration Potential

While our system currently focuses on automated recording of service delivery, there is potential to integrate AI and machine learning to further enhance its capabilities. For instance, AI can be used to predict service completion times, analyze service delivery patterns, and optimize service scheduling based on historical data.

Predictive Analysis in Service Delivery

The integration of our system with a service provider’s computer system and a mobile communication device opens avenues for predictive maintenance and analysis. By analyzing the data collected, businesses can forecast potential service disruptions or delays, enabling proactive measures to ensure uninterrupted service delivery.

Customization for E-commerce Platforms

The application of our system in e-commerce can transform how online transactions are verified and recorded. By integrating our system, e-commerce platforms can automate the proof of service delivery in real-time, enhancing customer trust and streamlining the transaction process.

Cross-Platform Customer Engagement Enhancement

Our system’s ability to record digital evidence of service delivery can be leveraged in customer engagement strategies. For instance, it can be used to authenticate customer reviews, track customer service interactions, and validate promotional activities, thereby providing a more integrated customer engagement platform.

Improving Software Testing and Quality Assurance

The blockchain component of our system can be utilized in software testing and quality assurance, ensuring that each phase of service delivery or product development is accurately recorded and verified. This application can significantly enhance the reliability and efficiency of software testing processes.

Optimizing Resource Allocation with Real-Time Service Data

By providing real-time evidence of service delivery, our system can aid in the efficient allocation of resources. Businesses can utilize the data to dynamically adjust resource allocation based on service demand, thereby reducing operational costs and enhancing efficiency.

Broadening Machine Learning Applications

Finally, the data collected through our system can be a valuable input for machine learning algorithms across various industries. This data can be used to train models to predict service delivery outcomes, customer satisfaction levels, and optimize service delivery processes.

Our patent portfolio in service delivery automation, with its unique combination of mobile communication, web-based interaction, blockchain technology, and secured hash links, presents a versatile and innovative solution to several identified gaps in the service delivery automation market. Its application can extend beyond traditional boundaries, providing businesses with a tool to enhance efficiency, security, and customer engagement in their service delivery processes.

The Strategic Imperative of Breakthrough Patents in Service Delivery Automation

In recent years, the landscape of service delivery automation has undergone a significant transformation, with key players intensifying their focus on innovation and building robust patent portfolios necessitating a need to develop and acquire more patents in this technology space. Among these, several industry leaders have consistently demonstrated a commitment to advancing the field, as reflected in their patenting activities over the last decade. Here is an analysis that sheds light on the strategic initiatives undertaken by major companies, emphasizing the increasing importance of acquiring breakthrough patents in service delivery automation technologies.

Microsoft Corp

Microsoft Corp’s journey in service delivery automation patents has been a gradual yet persistent ascent. While early years saw limited activity, the last decade witnessed a remarkable surge, with a notable spike in patents from 2014 onwards. The gradual increase underscores Microsoft’s strategic commitment to the evolving landscape of service delivery automation.

State Grid Corp of China

Although State Grid Corp of China started slow in patent activity, the recent surge from 2014 onwards indicates a strategic pivot towards automation. The substantial growth in patent numbers from 2017 onwards positions the company as a rising force in service delivery innovation, signaling a keen interest and investment in cutting-edge technologies.

Huawei Investment & Holding Co Ltd

Huawei stands as a testament to strategic foresight, consistently building a robust patent portfolio in service delivery automation. The company’s proactive approach, particularly evident from 2014 to 2020, underscores a commitment to spearhead innovation in this critical domain.

Amazon Inc: The Intersection of Service and Innovation

Amazon’s patent landscape reflects a nuanced approach to service delivery automation. The company’s patents, scattered across the last decade, showcase a thoughtful integration of automation into its service offerings. The steady growth in patents, especially from 2017 to 2019, aligns with Amazon’s commitment to enhancing service delivery through innovative technologies.

IBM Corp: Adapting to the Winds of Change

IBM’s patent journey in service delivery automation exemplifies adaptability. While the early years saw sporadic activity, the company shifted gears from 2016 onwards, aligning its patent strategy with the growing importance of automation in service delivery.

Siemens AG

Siemens AG’s patent portfolio reflects the evolution of a visionary approach to service delivery automation. The steady growth in patents from 2014 onwards showcases a commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in this field.

China Southern Power Grid Co Ltd

China Southern Power Grid Co Ltd’s patent trajectory underscores a steady course in service delivery automation. The company’s consistent patent activity, especially in recent years, signals a strategic focus on harnessing automation for efficient service delivery.

Alphabet Inc.

Alphabet Inc’s patent journey in the last five years, reflect a calculated approach to integrating automation into its service ecosystem.

Samsung Group

The surge in patents from 2012 to 2018 signifies a strategic alignment with the evolving landscape of service delivery automation.

NCR Corp: Navigating the Waves of Innovation

NCR Corp’s patent journey reveals a significant increase in patents from 2017 onwards that showcases a commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in the field.

Overcoming Top Challenges in Today’s Service Delivery Automation

The strategic initiatives of these top companies underscore the growing significance of breakthrough patents in driving innovation and progress in service delivery automation. As the industry continues to evolve, the need for cutting-edge patents, like the one under consideration, becomes increasingly evident. This analysis serves as a call to action, highlighting the pivotal role that groundbreaking patents play in shaping the trajectory of service delivery automation technologies. For potential licensees and buyers, the message is clear: the future belongs to those who invest in innovation today.

Key Challenges

Skilled Workforce

The need for skilled professionals is a significant gap. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, 85 million jobs might be displaced by a shift in the division of labor between humans and machines by 2025, while 97 million new jobs that do not exist today may emerge. These new jobs are more adapted to the new division of labor between humans, machines, and algorithms. The top skills which will rise in the lead include analytical thinking and innovation, active learning, critical thinking, complex problem-solving capability, and skills in self-management such as stress tolerance and flexibility

High Implementation Costs

The elevated cost of implementing high-performance service delivery automation solutions poses a challenge. Automation tools and robotics can be easily deployed into an operation, and with autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), they can be deployed without infrastructure changes. Mobile automation solutions can be automatically updated and easily adapted to any growing business. These flexible tools alleviate current labor concerns and provide predictability, enabling companies to remain flexible in the face of changing circumstances and adapt when faced with future disruptions.

Key Challenges Chart

Call Center Data Analysis

Despite notable innovations, the analysis of call center data remains an unexplored opportunity. The need for basic cognitive skills is also declining as office support functions are automated. The number of professionals such as sales representatives, engineers, managers, and executives are expected to grow. This will lead to growth in the need for social and emotional skills, especially advanced communication and negotiation, leadership, management, and adaptability

Hybrid Work Model Adaptation

The transition to hybrid work models represents an uncharted territory. More work will be done by freelancers and other contractors, a shift that will boost the emerging “gig” or “sharing” economy. In our survey, greater use of various types of freelancers and temporary workers is one of the top organizational changes; 61 percent of respondents expect to hire more temporary employees

Protocol Enhancements

There is a gap in protocol refinement for seamless collaboration among different systems, especially with the integration of diverse technologies. The need for technological skills, both advanced IT skills and basic digital skills, will increase as more technology professionals are required. Demand for higher cognitive skills will grow, driven by the need for greater creativity and complex information processing

Innovations in Authorization Processes

The focus on manual authorization processes highlights a potential gap. There is an opportunity for companies to innovate and streamline authorization processes through automation, ensuring swift and accurate verification for enhanced service delivery efficiency.

Charting the Future of Service Delivery Automation with Innovative Patent Portfolio of Intellectual Frontiers

In this age that is defined by technological innovation and efficiency, the landscape of service delivery is poised for a transformative shift. Our breakthrough patented technology in service delivery automation addresses the concerns that arise due to lack of accountability, transparency, and seamless operations converge.

A Shift in Service Delivery

Our patented system for automated recording of evidence of service delivery represents a fundamental departure from traditional methods. It integrates a mobile communication device, a web-based interaction component, and a service control system to create a cohesive and foolproof solution. This innovative approach redefines how services are not only delivered but also documented, setting a new standard for precision and reliability.

Empowering Stakeholders with Electronic Evidence

Central to our patented system is the generation of an electronic signal, a sophisticated interplay between SMS transmissions and secured hash links. This dynamic process ensures the creation of indisputable electronic evidence at two crucial touchpoints: one associated with the mobile communication device and the other with the service control system. This dual-layered approach not only verifies service delivery but also establishes a comprehensive audit trail.

Seamless Performance

We envision a seamless orchestra of technologies working in unison - from the mobile communication device with predefined user and device information to the service provider-associated computer system managing service delivery. The processor orchestrates the recording of electronic evidence, sending confirmation messages and unique Service Proof Tokens (SPTs) to both the mobile communication device and the service provider-associated computer system. Blockchain integration adds an extra layer of security and trust, offering a digitally executable SPT that marks the beginning and end of service receipt.

Fostering Trust Through Verification

Our system extends beyond mere automation. It fosters trust through verifiable electronic evidence. A client electronic device, directly connected to the blockchain, ensures the integrity of the recorded evidence by retrieving the unique SPT. This verification process adds an invaluable layer of credibility, reassuring stakeholders and engendering a sense of confidence in the service delivery ecosystem.

Automation for the Future

Our patented technology emerges as a pioneer. Its potential applications span industries where accountability and transparency are significant, offering a blueprint for a future where service delivery is not just a transaction but a meticulously documented and verified process.

Leap in Service Automation: Our Patented Innovation

Our patented system presents a sophisticated solution for automating the documentation of service delivery, offering a significant leap forward in operational efficiency within the service industry. This computer-controlled system seamlessly integrates a mobile communication device, web-based interaction component, and a service control system, introducing a streamlined approach to service automation.

The system utilizes a service interface device to generate a comprehensive electronic signal. This signal includes SMS transmissions to both the mobile communication device and the service control system, each containing secured hash links. Execution of these links results in the precise recording of electronic evidence of service delivery, encompassing events, digitally executable location data, voice inputs, and digital images.

A distinctive feature of our innovation is the incorporation of a Service Proof Token (SPT), transmitted alongside a confirmation electronic message. This token, executed through a blockchain device directly connected to the system, serves as an electronic identifier for the initiation and completion of service receipt. The client electronic device, also linked to the blockchain, verifies the electronic evidence of service delivery by retrieving the unique SPT, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the recorded service data.

This patent addresses a critical need in service delivery automation, providing a reliable mechanism for documenting the entire service process. The seamless integration of mobile devices, web-based systems, and blockchain technology enhances efficiency, trust, and accountability in service transactions.

For businesses seeking to improve their service delivery processes, our patented innovation offers a concrete and practical solution. The service automation with our technology offers reliability, transparency, and innovation converge to redefine industry standards. We welcome discussions with potential licensees and buyers looking to enhance their operational capabilities and gain a strategic advantage in the evolving landscape of service delivery automation.

Excerpt from the original patent.

“A computer-controlled system for automated recording of evidence of a delivery of a service in a service setting, said system comprising:

a mobile communication device associated with a user in a service network, wherein said mobile communication device comprises predefined information about said mobile communication device and said user;

a service provider-associated computer system that manages and processes delivery of services in said service setting by a service provider;

an electronic device that transmits:

a first short message service (SMS) signal to the mobile communication device and comprising a first secured hash link that is clicked to record a first evidence of service delivery associated with the mobile communication device; and

a second short message service (SMS) signal to the service provider-associated computer system and comprising a second secured hash link that is clicked to record a second evidence of service delivery associated with the service provider-associated computer system;

a processor that records an electronic evidence of service delivery in the service network by transmitting a confirmation electronic message along with a unique service proof token (SPT) to said mobile communication device and to the service provider-associated computer system, wherein said electronic evidence of service delivery is one of an event, a digitally executable location, a digitally executable location voice input, and a digital image;

a blockchain device directly connected to the electronic device, wherein the block chain device comprises computer-executable instructions comprising a digitally executable SPT associated with said mobile communication device, wherein the digitally executable SPT is an electronic token identifying a start of receipt of service and an end of receipt of service; and

a client electronic device directly connected to the blockchain device, wherein the client electronic device verifies said electronic evidence of service delivery by retrieving said unique SPT from said blockchain device.”

Solving the current challenges with the patented technology

Bridging the Skilled Workforce Gap

Our patented system offers a transformative approach to the skilled workforce challenge. By automating the recording of service delivery evidence, our technology reduces the reliance on high-level skills for routine tasks. This aligns with the World Economic Forum’s insight into the evolving labor market, where analytical thinking and innovation will be paramount. Our system simplifies complex problem-solving, enabling businesses to refocus their skilled workforce on more innovative and critical tasks, thus filling the emerging skills gap more effectively.

Reducing High Implementation Costs

Implementing high-performance service delivery automation can be costly. Our patented system addresses this by offering a cost-effective automation solution that integrates seamlessly into existing service networks. Its use of SMS signals and secured hash links minimizes the need for extensive infrastructure changes, thereby reducing implementation costs significantly. This approach not only alleviates current labor concerns but also provides flexibility and adaptability for businesses facing future disruptions.

Enhancing Call Center Data Analysis

Call center data analysis remains a critical yet underutilized area. Our system contributes significantly to this domain by automating service delivery evidence, which can be used for advanced data analysis. This automation reduces the reliance on basic cognitive skills, thus allowing for a more strategic allocation of human resources. As a result, professionals in sales, engineering, and management can focus on developing social and emotional skills, such as advanced communication and negotiation, which are increasingly in demand.

Adapting to Hybrid Work Models

The shift towards hybrid work models requires flexible and adaptable solutions. Our patented system supports this transition by offering a technology that is compatible with both in-office and remote work settings. Its mobile communication device and web-based interaction component enable seamless service delivery recording from anywhere, supporting the growing trend of freelance and contract-based work models.

Streamlining Protocol Enhancements

Our system directly addresses the need for protocol enhancement in service delivery. By integrating various technologies through a unified blockchain-based platform, it ensures seamless collaboration and inter-system communication. This enhances the efficiency and reliability of service delivery, catering to the increasing demand for advanced IT and digital skills in the workforce.

Improving Innovations in Authorization Processes

Manual authorization processes are often time-consuming and error-prone. Our patented technology innovates in this area by automating the authorization process for service delivery. The use of unique service proof tokens (SPT) and blockchain technology ensures swift, accurate, and secure verification of services rendered, significantly boosting service delivery efficiency.

Strategic IP Advancement: Transforming the Service Industry with Our Patented Solutions

The patent introduces an innovative system for automated recording of evidence of service delivery in various settings. This innovation leverages a mobile communication device, a service provider-associated computer system, and a blockchain device to ensure secure, reliable, and efficient service delivery evidence recording. Our unique approach centers on utilizing SMS signals with secured hash links and a unique Service Proof Token (SPT), providing a robust solution for modern service delivery challenges.

Integrated Data Transmission and Management Solutions

The integration of mobile communication devices with a blockchain device in our patent offers a robust solution for simultaneous data transmission and management. By using SMS signals and secured hash links, the system can transmit data securely while managing service delivery evidence. This integration ensures data integrity and real-time updating, which is crucial for businesses that require synchronized data flow and resource management.

Cross-Functional Workflow Automation Platforms

The patent can be the foundation for developing a platform that automates workflows across different functions. For instance, the evidence of service delivery can be used to automate billing in finance, task allocation in human resources, and service quality assessment in customer service departments, healthcare delivery and insurance. This cross-departmental application can significantly enhance operational efficiency.

Advanced Secure Data Exchange Protocols

The use of blockchain technology and secured hash links in our patent provides a higher level of data security. This is particularly relevant in industries where data integrity and security are important.

The blockchain component ensures that the recorded evidence of service delivery is immutable and transparent, offering an advanced solution for secure data exchange.

AI-Driven Office Task Automation

Potential for AI Integration: While the patent does not directly utilize AI, its infrastructure is conducive to AI integration. For instance, AI can be employed to analyze the patterns in service delivery, predict service needs, and automate responses. This integration can transform the system into a more dynamic tool that learns and adapts to office workflows.

Predictive Maintenance in Network Infrastructure

The ability to record and verify service delivery evidence can be applied to network infrastructure management. By integrating predictive analytics, the patented system can analyze service data to identify potential issues before they become critical, enabling proactive maintenance.

Personalized E-commerce Experience Automation

In e-commerce, the patent can automate and personalize the shopping experience by securely recording customer interactions and preferences. This data can then be used to customize product recommendations and customer support, enhancing the overall user experience.

Integrated Customer Engagement Platforms

The patent can play a crucial role in integrating various aspects of customer engagement, from market research to advertising and customer profiling. By providing a secure and efficient way to record and manage service-related data, it can offer deeper insights into customer behaviors and preferences.

AI-Augmented Software Testing

Foundation for Intelligent Testing Protocols: While the current patent focuses on service delivery evidence, its secure and efficient data handling capabilities can be extended to software testing, especially when augmented with AI. AI can analyze the data collected to optimize testing protocols and improve accuracy.

Resource Allocation Optimization using AI

The patent’s system can be utilized to optimize resource allocation in computing environments. AI algorithms can process the recorded service data to dynamically allocate resources based on real-time demands, thus enhancing operational efficiency.

Interdisciplinary Applications of Machine Learning

The secure and versatile nature of your system makes it suitable for interdisciplinary applications of machine learning. For instance, in healthcare, it can be used to record and analyze patient care services, while in finance, it can automate and secure transaction records.

Opportunities for the Patented Service Automation System across Multiple Industries

The patented Service Automation System (SAS) offers a transformative approach to service delivery, integrating cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, mobile communication, and secure data transmission. This system presents a multitude of opportunities across various industries, offering solutions that are not only innovative but also vital in the current technological landscape.

Healthcare Industry

Enhanced Patient Care and Data Management: In healthcare, the SAS can revolutionize patient care by providing secure and efficient recording of medical services. Utilizing the patented technology, the system ensures the integrity and confidentiality of patient records. This can streamline patient care processes, from appointment scheduling to treatment verification, enhancing both efficiency and patient trust.

Financial Services

Robust Transaction Evidence and Compliance: For the financial sector, the SAS provides a secure platform for recording transactions and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. The system’s ability to produce immutable records of service delivery is invaluable for audit trails, fraud prevention, and maintaining transparent financial operations.

Retail and E-commerce

In retail and e-commerce, the SAS can be employed to personalize the customer experience. By securely recording customer interactions and preferences, businesses can tailor their services and product offerings, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Manufacturing and Supply Chain

The SAS has significant implications for manufacturing and supply chain management. It can automate and verify service processes, from production to delivery, ensuring quality assurance and operational efficiency. This system could be pivotal in managing complex supply chains, providing transparency and traceability.


In telecommunications, the SAS can offer predictive maintenance and service management solutions. By analyzing service data, the system can predict network issues and automate maintenance schedules, thereby reducing downtime and improving customer service.

IT and Software Development

For IT and software development, the SAS can enhance software testing protocols and optimize resource allocation. The integration of secure data recording with AI capabilities can lead to more efficient and accurate software testing processes, significantly reducing time-to-market for new software products.

Public Sector

In the public sector, the SAS can be utilized to automate and secure government service records. This ensures transparency and efficiency in public services, fostering trust and reliability in government operations.

The patented Service Automation System is a versatile and powerful tool that offers numerous opportunities across a diverse range of industries. Its ability to securely and efficiently automate service delivery processes makes it an invaluable asset for any organization looking to innovate and improve their operational efficiency. By adopting this system, businesses can not only enhance their service offerings but also gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital world.

Read the original patent here.

Read layman patent summary here.

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